This is a .pug file

This template is rendered at request-time by the server. It is not static. Request data is rendered below...

State Data

Note that the instanceID changes on each request.

  "context": {},
  "instanceID": "5hqew61",
  "store": {
    "title": "Taylor Beseda /experiments/pug-template",
    "hCards": {
      "items": [
        "redacted for brevity"
    "icon": "⚾️",
    "myWeather": {
      "created": "2024-09-19T17:05:32.593Z",
      "values": {
        "precipitationProbability": 0,
        "snowIntensity": 0,
        "visibility": 16,
        "freezingRainIntensity": 0,
        "windGust": 3.38,
        "rainIntensity": 0,
        "temperatureApparent": 21.13,
        "weatherCode": 1000,
        "cloudCover": 0,
        "pressureSurfaceLevel": 847.64,
        "dewPoint": 0.5,
        "sleetIntensity": 0,
        "cloudBase": null,
        "temperature": 21.13,
        "humidity": 25,
        "uvHealthConcern": 2,
        "windDirection": 87.19,
        "uvIndex": 5,
        "windSpeed": 2.63,
        "cloudCeiling": null
      "time": "2024-09-19T17:05:00Z",
      "key": "tomorrow-io",
      "type": "weather"
    "currentlyPlaying": {}
  "attrs": {
    "foo-bar": "baz"

Web Components + Enhance

Pug allows raw HTML. This includes custom elements that can then be rendered by Enhance.
Here's this site's footer:

Say "hi" on Mastodon

neat, eh?